s e r e n a    r o s e    c h o p r a



Force and Stress

Interior and Structure



Every contour of edges, no matter how dense, has a point at which it becomes that space it meters through. Reset (re= over, as in residue, set= tectonic shift) is a familiar term that refers to all maps of our orientations, or positions of fractures. The armrest has begun to sag and his mattress still craters under un-shifted weight. After death we pulled the sheets and found his flesh. Creased as it was, and foliated too. Most deformation occurs during history. Was it more like clouds or joints for you? It could be rebirth or it could be test-tube, but the interactions along his remaining skin generate the oils that cause histories to reset.



Force and Stress


Force is that which stole your saw and tasseled its blade from my throat. Change in motion. Stationary objects are unproductive. From everyday experience you know that if a door is stuck (stationary), you apply force to open it (get it in motion, like roses roses roses roses roses and feet). To apply roses and feet that reset, structural geologists use the term stress, or the amount of you I found parched in my edges. Our contours are shifting dunes. Reset. The magnitude of stress is not simply fibrous. Not wild flower bouquets to hidden blades. Not the mystery of what is the purpose of depending on skin. Not to keep you out. The magnitude of stress is not simply fibrous, but also relates to this door. Locked edges. For example, if you are walking barefoot on the beach, your feet lifting and folding sand, the weight (roses) resets the water’s fine composition of her shell bits and fossil. However, if she would not let you sigh into her welcoming edges, if she clawed you from the shore and made you tread—You’d spit in her hair. Or journey to her gut and stomp-up phantom clouds of dust.



Interior and Structure


Much of our knowledge of interiors comes from knife blocks. Simply stated, the knives plunge and emerge as needed for onions or beets. The technique involves accurately penetrating the rubbery exocarp with P (swift intent) and S (blade). Because the desire required for P and the accommodations for S depends on the angle of my fogged mood, seismologists search for variations in finger pressure that cannot be accounted for simply by jagged or tipsy cuts. It is well known that onions are usually diced, and beets are sweeter canned. Such variations require little accuracy or no involvement. I would never hack you, because you are much too swollen with infection. One major problem is that you need to flush out such wounds, but do not trust my P-S tremors, which are curious like the man with binoculars pressed between stiff blinds. To examine your compositions and structure I need to be the knife. Instead, I am the block and you are leaning and steady inside me.



SERENA ROSE CHOPRA is a creative writing MFA student at the University of Colorado at Boulder, studying poetry, nonfiction, drama, and dance.

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